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Education, Culture & Society Faculty Publications

Jeremy FranklinJeremy Franklin

Cabrera, Nolan L., Franklin, Jeremy D., Watson, Jessie S. Whiteness in Higher Education: The invisible Missing Link in Diversity and Racial Analyses. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 42, Issue 6, Pages 1–137

Leticia AlvarezLeticia Alvarez GutiÉrrez

Alvarez Gutiérrez, L. & Quijada Cerecer, P.D. (2016). Undocumented youth, agency, and power: The tension between policy and praxis. In S.L. Nichols (Ed.), Educational policies and youth in the 21st century: Problems, Potential, and Progress (pp. 39-56). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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Cahill, C., Alvarez Gutiérrez, L. & Quijada Cerecer, D.A. (2016). Dialectic of dreams & dispossession: The school to sweatshop pipeline. Cultural Geographies, 1-17. doi:10.1177/1474474015597431 (online 2015/in print 2016)

Veronica Valdez

Veronica Valdez

Valdez, V. E., Freire, J. A., & Delavan, G. (2016). The gentrification of dual language education. The Urban Review, 48(4), 601-627. doi: 10.1007/s11256-016-0370-0  Permanent link

Delavan, M. G., Valdez, V. E., & Freire, J. A. (2016).  Language as whose resource?: When global economics usurp the local equity potentials of dual language education.  International Multilingual Research Journal (Online First), doi: 10.1080/19313152.2016.1204890  Permanent link

will smithWilliam Smith

Published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Full article:
'You make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands!': campus culture, Black misandric microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue”

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Karen JohnsonKaren A. Johnson

African American Women Educators

African American Women EducatorsThis recent book by Professor Karen A. Johnson examines the lived experiences and work of African American women educators during the 1880s to the 1960s. This book seeks to explore these educators' thoughts and teaching practices in an attempt to understand their unique vision of education for Black students and the implications of their work for current educational reform. Read More...

Last Updated: 9/10/21