Meghan Zarnetske Awarded CADRE Fellowship
A STEM Fellowship from the NSF
We are proud to announce that Meghan Zarnetske, a second-year PhD student in ECS,
has been awarded a 2022 Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)
fellowship in STEM education by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The competition
was fierce, and Meghan was awarded 1 of the only 15 awards made this year.
The CADRE fellowship will provide Meghan and fellow CADRE awardees opportunities for
capacity-building and networking; they will also learn about career pathways, how
to use and disseminate research, secure funding, and build community and collaborations.
For 13 years, CADRE had brought together PhD and postdocs from different backgrounds
and with diverse research interests but who share a passion and commitment for diversity,
equity, inclusion, and justice in K-12 STEM education.
“The CADRE Fellows program offers a unique opportunity for early-career researchers
to network with and learn from NSF-funded STEM education awardees from across the
country,” said EDC’s Catherine McCulloch, who oversees the program along with Terrell
Morton and Jenn Stiles. “It’s an honor to coordinate a program that, in part, is focused
on broadening participation within the research community.”
Congratulations, Meghan!